Know The Absolute
Guide to Guides to Enlightenment/Self-Realization/No-Mind/Liberation
by Jarett Sabirsh

cannot be solved at the same
level of awareness that created them." - Albert Einstein
learning is acquired by anyone unless he wants to learn it, and
believes in some way that he needs it." - A Course in Miracles
key is to be interested, to learn from everything, and to take
nothing personally.
Not absolute or complete
2. Properly related in size or degree
or other measurable characteristics
Perfect or complete or pure
2. Complete and without
restriction or qualification
3. Not limited by law
Expressing finality with no implication of possible change
Without conditions or limitations
6. Not capable of being
violated or infringed
The words of truth are always
paradoxical because there are different levels of truth (relative).
What is "truth" at one level is not necessarily "truth" at other
levels. Quite often, higher levels of truth render lower ones
irrelevant, obsolete and even non-existent. So, something is only
truth until we evolve to
the next higher level of truth. Each person is a mixture of different
levels of truth and falsehood in various areas of their life and views
of reality. The world's people are at endless conflict with one another
because each is seeing and interpreting the world through a
kaleidoscope of experiential subjectivity that entails all possibilites
and potentialities, but is narrowed by one's current level of
consciousness, awareness and notions of self-identity. What one
consciously or unconsciously projects "value" or "worth" onto then
becomes one's perceptual reality.
Truth never creates
or perpetuates problems. It only solves, dissolves and removes
problems. It's only possible to solve problems because truth exists.
Problems are solved when the truth fills the space of what used to be
the absence of truth. When truth is brought to light it automatically
overides falsehood because falsehood doesn't exist as a real thing.
Truth fills the void and non-existence of untruth. The truth replaced
what used to be the absence of truth. So, truth doesn't do anything,
including the solving of problems, because problems/falsehood don't
exist as real things. Only the truth is real, and the truth already
exists. We just aren`t aware of it. If we already know the truth, why
do we have problems in our lives, and why is the world not at complete and total peace?
For something to
be truth at all, it must be relevant and beneficial to oneself, and all
others, without exception. Truth is universal and impersonal. It
applies to all and excludes no one. The truth is still the truth even
if it's rejected or not currently understood. The real truth is what it
is despite our opinions and beliefs about it.
In order for something to be Absolute Truth, it must be unlimited, whole,
complete and perfect beyond description. For this to be possible it
must be Infinitely Everything beyond change, words, mental concepts,
form and physicality. In other words, it transcends this evolutionary
galaxy of change. It is No-Thing, yet Infinitely
Everything, yet beyond both because both are mere concepts (thought
forms subject to cessation and destruction). In order to know Absolute
Truth, we have to stop thinking,
conceptualizing, opinionating, interpreting and perceiving altogether.
We have to let go of the mind`s activities. We can't know formlessness
by means of using form. This is what every single Buddhist or Zen
Master, Hindu Sage and Christian or Sufi Mystic throughout history has
said. Every person who has even momentarily experienced The Divine
speaks of its timelessness, shapelessness, immaterialty and incorporeal
intangibility. It is a Foreverness with no beginning or end, Infinite and
Eternal as the very substrate and Essence from which all arises. It is
pure, untainted, spotless, silent, unmoving Consciousness and Awareness
as the Totality of Oneness and Allness as Self or I. The Absolute is
what we actually are. We are simply not currently aware of it.
What you just read above pretty much sums up what will be found on this website.
If it threatens you in some way this may not currently be for you.
This site is not for the spiritualy timid.
It's for those who are willing to
start looking inwards at the workings of the ego/mind rather than
focusing on external phenomena.
One is not subject to negative mentalities and stress when the mind doesn't react (fight or flight) to outside phenomenon.
One is not subject to the faulty workings of the ego/mind at all when
one stops identifying the automatic random repetitive thoughts of the
mind as being "me."
The very nature of the ego/mind can be summed up in one word... drama. And what is drama? It's the absence of Peace (of mind).
This website is somewhat tied-in to my other website, which is geared
more towards "health & healing," but also goes well beyond that at
If that's where your focus is, go to
Truth About Food and Health hompage, or
Articles page.
Or straight to its
Powerful Healing Modalities page.
Or to it's
Superfoods & Supersupplements page.
On March 28, 2016 my new book was released, currently as a free downloadable pdf eBook.
Love All-Knowing - An Epic Spiritual Poem
Now, continuing on...
What we think and
believe in our minds determines all of our actions, and so,
the state of the world, and it's problems, are a perfect reflection of the
thought processes of the people that inhabit it. The world's problems
cannot be solved by trying to fix the outcomes and EFFECTS of our
thought processes. It's the THOUGHT PROCESSES that must be changed. In
other words, every individual has to change oneself in order to change
the world. Rather than thinking that others need to change themselves
to suit your opinions, you must change yourself, and those opinions.
World peace cannot be forced upon anyone because force creates more
conflict. People don't like being told what to do, how to live or what
to be. World peace can only possibly happen when every individual is at
peace within their
own mind. Conflict in the mind creates conflict in the world. Peace of
mind creates peace in the world, and it all starts with you. If you're
not at complete peace in this very moment, and every other
moment, it's because of the thought processes, ideas, perceptions,
views, concepts, emotions and attitudes that are
standing in the way, in this very moment, and every other moment. If
you want complete peace for yourself, or for the rest of the world,
simply let go of those thoughts, concepts and emotions, in this very
moment and
every other moment. It's no more complicated than that, even if the
ego/mind thinks otherwise.
the Ego/Mind
truth is the answer to every problem that ever has and ever will exist,
and if we look at the state of the world today, it's pretty obvious
that we are quite unaware of what the truth actually is. Why is it that
we're so unaware of the truth? Because we don't want it, we think we
already know it, or as Dr. David Hawkins points out in Power vs. Force: The Hidden
Determinants of Human Behavior, that "The design of the human
mind renders it intrinsically incapable of being able to tell truth
from falsehood." This
is a guide not only to the spiritual truths that solve ALL of our
problems (if we let it and allow it to), but also a guide
to Enlightenment, for those who are interested.
It was said by Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now
that "furthermore, any teaching that puts the spotlight of attention on
the workings of the ego will necessarily provoke egoic reaction,
resistance and attack", so this guide won't be for everyone.
Search for Truth
movie The Secret,
and what's taught in it (the law of attraction), is beginning to take
the world by storm, and while this may be beneficial to the
masses, for those seeking Enlightenment it's just more relative truth,
another obstacle to be relinquished, surrendered and let go of. There's
creating specific things intentionally with thought, and then there's
having COMPLETE trust and faith that the universe will, and is,
supplying EVERYTHING that one "needs." However, some people might
require the first step in order to eventually reach the second. Sooner
or later one comes to realize that neediness and craving are never
ending and cannot be filled by depending upon external phenomena.
is experienced from within which means the source of it is
within, when it's chosen. The more it's chosen, the larger it grows,
the larger it grows, the more we realize it's within. Happiness is a
choice, and freedom comes from having no specific "needs" (addictions,
cravings) outside oneself. Choosing to be happy at all times brings
inner wholeness, completion and peace. If one is already utterly whole
and complete, NOTHING else is needed.
In The Highest Level of Enlightenment CD audio
it's made clear that negatives are not the opposite of
positives, but rather the ABSENCE of positives (think temperature on a
thermometer). It's not possible to be
needy and complete/happy at the same time because neediness is the
absence of happiness/completion. We can't focus on negatives
somehow expect the "opposite" to happen. Whatever we put
our focus on, we receive. Focusing on the negatives will bring
more of the negatives. Focusing on the positives will bring more of the
positives. This is where we take a REALLY close look at our
current life circumstances, and then we REALLY look at the thoughts,
concepts, perceptions, attitudes, limitations, emotions, opinions, and
beliefs that go on inside our own head, and we realize there's a HUGE
beginners on the spiritual path, the popular What the Bleep Do We Know?! (Down the Rabbit
Hole Quantum Edition) movie is an excellent place to start,
as well as Tomorrow's God by Neale Donald
Walsch, A New Earth
by Eckhart Tolle, and the previously mentioned The Secret movie. For
the more
scientifically minded people, or for those looking for the hard
scientific proof, you might want to start with The Field: The Quest for the Secret
Force of the Universe by investigative journalist Lynne
The Secret
major underlying points to grasp in The Secret, are that, first,
unconditional happiness, gratitude, peace, acceptance and forgiveness
must be chosen FIRST, and then the rest of one's life will reflect that
perfectly. In fact, a person's circumstances and situations are
already, and always, an absolutely perfect reflection of the attitudes,
thoughts, beliefs and choices of that individual. Second, a
point which wasn't really even talked about, is
that everything and everybody is interconnected. All is One. The law of
attraction would not work if this wasn't true. Third,
that the law of attraction, what goes around comes around, you reap
what you sow, everything comes full circle, the ebb and flow, balance
in the universe, or karma, is in effect 100% of the time. There can be
no "cause" of anything. There are only effects and automatic
consequences of what one is (choices, thought processes, feelings,
Picture yourself as a tiny magnet among countless others. Likes attract
likes. Which means that there is no such thing as a
co-incidence, accident, random event, miracle, fluke, luck or
chaos. The entire universe is basically an infinite
electromagnetic field
where everything is happening exactly as it needs to according to what
we make ourselves to be. To put it simply, EVERYTHING is karma, all the
time, and
everything is happening spontaneously on its own as an automatic
consequence. What you make
yourself to be is a choice. What happens to you as a result of what you
are, is not.
if there's no "cause"
anything, then reincarnation explains perfectly why "bad" things happen
to "good" people, with the science of cellular biology also coming to
this realization in The Biology of Belief: Unleashing
the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles
by cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. This book is solid
science but it's written in a way that's perfectly accessible to the
layman as well.
If we take Oneness to the next
level, we come to
understand that if you are connected to everything else, then you ARE
Everything else. There is no "you", "me", "here", "there", "this" or
"that" when All is One. There can be no "other". In The Bhagavad Gita, Krishna refers
to this as the "Self", as do other advanced teachings such as Consciousness and the Absolute: The Final
Talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Others have called it God, Universal Mind, Universe, All That Is, Life,
Existence, Collective Consciousness, Source,
Pure Awareness, Presence, Spirit, Tao, Buddha, Christ, Allah,
Love, Energy, Divinity, Reality, Truth, The Absolute, Infinity,
Intuition, etc. It's all one and the same thing, and it's only the
limited concepts of the mind, and the identification of those
thoughts as being "truth" and/or "me", that makes us think otherwise.
Words are
limiting concepts that can't possibly fully describe that which is
experiential, Absolute and beyond the limitations of
words, conceptual thinking
and form, so it really doesn't matter what we call it. It is what is it
despite all of our talking about it.
the 3rd century Plotinus realized the Source of All. His teachings can
be found in The Enneads: Abridged Edition
and/or Return to the One: Plotinus's Guide to
Just like the heart or
the mind is going and
going all by itself.
Take 5 minutes to watch the mind and see
for yourself.
If you try to stop thinking it just starts right back up again.
Everything it thinks and does, it's doing on it's own.
You have almost no control over it.
You can't stop it by controlling it, but you can
(eventually) stop it by watching it non-judgmentally.
You are not the body and
its senses. You
are not the mind and its thoughts. You are the silent Awareness that is
of them.
the big question is... Do you want to wholely and completely BE that
Awareness of profound peace, silence and happiness, which
is the real you?
Or do you prefer and enjoy the drama and suffering created by the
ego/mind? (many people do, but that's because of the ego/mind)
Knowingly or unknowingly, this is why people practice meditation.
That which you are knowingly or unknowingly seeking, is causing you to seek.
It's calling you to Itself. It's calling you back Home from whence you came.
Do you want to "remember" who/what you actually are?
What is
Enlightenment/Self-Realization/No-Mind/Liberation, and why do we want
It's the
and permanent dissolvement/cessation of all concepts, thoughts and
thinking of the ego/mind.
It's the letting go of
the very energy
behind thoughts and thinking.
It's the actual death of
the thinking
process of the mind. The individual's self/ego/I literally
dies. What you currently consider to be "me", dies, and is no more.
The ego/mind fears that
life/existence will end when IT comes to an end, but this isn't true.
It's the realization of what one
already is, always was, and always
will be, which is changeless and unlimited.
It's the realization of Self as All of
Existence, which is Pure Awareness, which is beyond all
form, shape, dimension, time, concepts and the physicality of this
simply the letting go of the emotions, thoughts and thinking that mask
and stand in the way of the Infinite Intuitive Knowingness and
Awareness of Absolute Truth.
It's for those who seek
absolute and
completion, wholeness, perfection, freedom, peace, happiness, joy,
bliss, etc.
It's a profound ineffable love, peace,
stillness and silence beyond
bliss and ecstasy, which is well beyond words and description.
It's an innate knowingness of the
truths of the universe, because if one is Everything, then
naturally, one knows everything.
It resides prior to individual will,
intentions, desires, wants, "needs",
emotions, personality, thoughts, ideas, concepts and thinking.
It's not the denial of will. It's for
those who wish to serve the
world/universe in the highest possible way, whatever that may happen to
be, in this very moment, right now.
It's for those who want
to let go of
little self; the me,
myself & I, which is the source of all problems and suffering.
creating worldly "success" with thought (the law of
attraction) is one goal, while moving
beyond thought totally is a different goal altogether. One helps us
cope with this physical world, while the other takes us beyond it
forever (no more reincarnation). One perpetuates individual karma
(positive & negative), while the other frees us of it
"The truth shall set you free."
people believe various psychic abilities, siddhis and occult powers
are "spiritual" but the truly Enlightened warn otherwise and say
"Forget about siddhis. They are all manifestations of the duality,
therefore illusory. Do not seek them. It's immaterial to spiritual
realization. Find out who you are." - From: Talks With Ramana Maharshi: On Realizing
Abiding Peace and Happiness.
how does
Enlightenment/Self-Realization/No-Mind/Liberation happen?
Lao Tzu's famous poetic Tao Te Ching starts with the words
"A way that can be walked is not The Way."
Realize that it
has nothing to do with the intellect or scientific proof, but that of
firsthand experiential verification.
Realize that to truly
know, rather than knowing ABOUT, involves BEING that which is to be
Realize that the truth
doesn't need
the approval of
the human ego in order to be truth. Absolute Truth already is what it
is. It can't be created by the mind.
Realize that because of
karma, free will and reincarnation, EVERYTHING is perfect as
it is, despite all the prevalent negativities in the world.
Realize that everyone is simply being
the level of "truth" that they
are currently aware of, and that the truth is only for those who want
Realize that people
can't help being
that which they
are. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
In The Words of Gandhi, "You must be
the change you wish to see in the world", and "..lose yourself in the
service of others".
Realize that because everybody and everything is One, we
change the
world in far greater unseen ways as a result of what we ARE,
compared to what we do.
Realize that separation, duality,
polarity and opposites do not actually exist. All is One, which is
Self, which just Is.
Realize that there is no
duality of
"love" and "evil". There are only varying degrees of the absence of
Realize that space,
distance, form
and time are
illusions created by limited, relative and faulty physical senses and
ways of thinking.
Realize that the physical body and
autonomous random repetitive thoughts of
the mind are not the real "me" at all.
Realize that you are the
that is aware of the mind and its comings and goings. The more it's
watched, the more it disappears.
Realize that everything
and everyone
is One. The
observer and the observed are One. The knower and the known are One.
A Course in Miracles says "...you
both HAVE everything and ARE everything."
Realize that there is no
duality, no
opposites and no polarity.
Nothing can exist outside of Existence, otherwise it wouldn't exist.
All is God/Self/Buddha/Atman.
Realize that even what the mind
conceives and conceptualizes as being
"nothing", void, unmanifest or formlessness, is still within
In the highly
evolved The Zen Teaching of Huang Po on the
Transmission of Mind, it says "It is an existence which is no
existence, a non-existence
which is nevertheless existence. So this true Void does in some
marvelous way 'exist'."
Realize that there can
only be
varying degrees of things within Existence, like degrees on a
Realize that there is no
individuality; no
"you", "me", "this", "that", "here", "there", "inner", "outer", etc.
Realize that there is no individual
"me", "myself", "mine" or "I."
Realize that there is no
"doer" doing
anything, because that would
imply there is an "individual" to do something.
Realize that
since All is One, there can be no "other", which means All is Self, or
All is I.
Realize that
Enlightenment happens by
ITSELF when the little self is left to fall away like a disrobed peice
of clothing.
Realize that there is
gotten, grasped, gained, obtained or attained because The
Absolute/Self/Buddha/God already Is.
Realize that Awareness,
Consciousness and knowing don't require words, concepts, thoughts or
Realize that EVERYTHING
is an
irrelevant concept.
All thought and thinking is essentially worthless because Silent
Awareness is all-knowing.
It's really just as "simple" as losing
interest in all thought and
thinking, right now, and not identifying thoughts as "me", right now.
Realize that without the
ego/mind interfering, everything just IS. Nothing more, nothing less.
perceptions, views, opinions, beliefs, likes and
dislikes are irrelevant.
Realize that The
Absolute is not subject to change and even "Is" is an irrelevant
Realize all of this...
but not with
words and
concepts. Just let go.
One sage says in his
such as Be as You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana
Maharshi, that "There will come a time when one will have to
forget all that has been learned." In I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta
it's explained that "When you demand nothing of the world, nor of God,
when you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing, then the
Supreme State will come to you uninvited and unexpected."
Zen and Buddhist terminology there's the excellent The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation, The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
and The Zen Doctrine of No-Mind: The
Significance of the Sutra of Hui-Neng.
in Excelsis Deo!
all others, the materials that have changed this life the most, because
they're the most advanced, recent, clear, simple, lucid, and thorough
teachings of all, are the works of David Hawkins, the ones already
mentioned, as well as The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is
Hidden, I: Reality and Subjectivity, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the
Difference and Devotional Nonduality (Discovery of the
Presence of God).
actuality there are
no secrets. The
truth reveals ITSELF, by itself, when we stop thinking we already know
(humility & surrender). Absolute
Truth reveals itself when we stop thinking and conceptualizing
altogether. No matter what level of truth we currently live/are, it's a
complete illusion that it's the highest one. Because Awareness is
Infinity, the evolution of becoming self-aware is also infinite.
"Throughout history, mankind has been
impressed with the state of enlightenment, but from the viewpoint of
the ultimate possibility of God, it is only a beginning." - David
"The part always has a
tendency to reunite with its whole in order to escape from its
imperfection." - Leonardo DaVinci
mentioned include:
the Ego/Mind

1. Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of
Human Behavior by David R. Hawkins

2. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual
Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
Search for Truth

3. The Secret DVD

4. The Highest Level of Enlightenment by
Dr. David Hawkins
Nightingale Conant

5. What the Bleep Do We Know!? (Down the
Rabbit Hole Quantum Edition) DVD

6. Tomorrow's God: Our Greatest Spiritual
Challenge by Neale Donald Walsch

7. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's
Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

8. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the
Universe by Lynne McTaggart
The Secret

9. The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of
Consciousness, Matter And Miracles by Dr. Bruce H. Lipton

10. The Bhagavad Gita translated by
Eknath Easwaran

11. Consciousness and the Absolute: The Final Talks
of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj edited by Jean Dunn

12. Plotinus - The Enneads: Abridged Edition
translated by Stephen MacKenna

13. Return to the One: Plotinus's Guide to
God-Realization by Brian Hines

14. Talks With Ramana Maharshi: On Realizing
Abiding Peace and Happiness by Robert Powell
how does
Enlightenment/Self-Realization/No-Mind/Liberation happen?

15. Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu, translated
by Jonathan Star

16. The Words of Gandhi by Mahatma Gandhi

17. A Course in Miracles: Text, Workbook for
Students, Manual for Teachers by Foundation for Inner Peace
A Course in Miracles International

18. The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the
Transmission of Mind translated by John Blofeld

19. Be as You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana
Maharshi by Sri Ramana Maharshi

20. I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta
by Nisargadatta Maharaj, translated by Maurice Frydman

21. The Tibetan Book of the Great
Liberation translated by W.Y. Evans-Wentz

22. The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma: A Bilingual
Edition by Bodhidharma, translated by Red Pine

23. The Zen Doctrine of No-Mind: The Significance
of the Sutra of Hui-Neng by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Excelsis Deo!

24. The Eye of The I: From Which Nothing is
Hidden by David R. Hawkins

25. I: Reality and Subjectivity by David
R. Hawkins

26. Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The
Stairway to Enlightenment by David R. Hawkins

27. Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the
Difference by David R. Hawkins

28. Devotional Nonduality (Discovery of the
Presence of God) by David R. Hawkins
This was
originally written as an Amazon.com "So you'd like to..." guide, which
can be seen
You can
(un)learn a whole lot more by visiting the
page, the
Links page, or
by viewing the quotes on the